Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Radical Tea Parties

I’ve been hearing an awful lot lately about people hating the recent bank bailouts. I just want to go on record right now and say I’m not pleased either, but I understand why they are needed. What people are falling to recognize is that over the last thirty years we as a nation have undergone so much deregulating and taken government out of the market that we have built our own grave. By allowing a very small amount of massive banks and corporations to become the backbone of our country we put all our eggs in one basket. These companies are struggling for one reason or another. Most due to bad choices, but these companies are still our backbone. If a company like GM goes under all of their subsidiaries goes under with it. Most people have no understanding of what GM actually owns.

A Local Los Angeles example is as follows: 2008 had the highest grossing films of all time. Yet the town as a whole suffers from layoffs and bankruptcies. Companies are hurting.
Not because of their own sales, but because their parent companies are hurting and the pain is passed down. GE is hurting in other areas so NBC UNIVERSAL feels the pinch.

These few companies are our economy. Why? Because we let it happen. We let the free market run unchecked and now all of America is owned by a few corporations What people so often forget is that when you allow a free market to run unchecked for a long enough period of time you will have fewer and fewer companies, and eventually you get Monopolies. Think about the game monopoly. As the game goes there are few and few players until there is only one player (company) that owns everything.

Worst part of all of this is if we would have stopped all of these buyouts and mergers in the first place we wouldn’t need to care so much about a few banks going under due to bad choices because there would be a hundred more right behind them doing fine. We have allowed to much centralization, and now is when we pay the price.

Some people are calling this communism, but its not. This is just what happens when you let the soulless free market run unchecked. Its ok to be angry, but don’t act surprised.

Secondly, why in gods name is the Republican Party allying themselves with these crazy tea party people. These people just scream ignorance. If this is their constituency base they need to find some new friends. Standing for Fiscal Conservatism is one thing, but this fox news radicalism is in no way good for the country.