Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Anyone who has ever lived in a city knows about a handful of absolutely ridiculous intersections that should be avoided whenever possible so that your road rage doesn't kick in and you end up smashing up someone’s car with that baseball bat you keep in the back seat to protect yourself from crazies. Below are my top five most hated Los Angeles Intersections.

5. San Vicente and Fairfax
This little nugget doesn’t seem like too much of a pain in the ass until rush hour. Making a left hand turn here is impossible. Go up a block and avoid this disaster.

4. The Airport
This place is confusing when it isn’t busy so when you add another 400 cars full of people afraid their gonna miss their flight this place gets down right dangerous. If you miss your terminal exit it could cost you a half hour of your life. Don’t fuck around here, because LAX will fuck with you.

3. Beverly Drive Interchange
Just south of sunset Beverly drive has this crazy 6 way stop that doesn’t have any lights, just stop signs. Since no in LA knows how to drive or take their turn this is constantly a big cluster fuck where you just never know where that little ol granny is gonna nail ya. She could be coming at you from five sides. Not to mention it is at least fifty yards across. Just crossing the intersection takes a minute.

2. The Los Feliz Boulevard 5 North Entrance.
The thing here is that there are two roads that merge but they don’t realize their merging until the last second. I’ve almost been killed here more times than I can count. Again this is usually a result of people not knowing how to A. Merge, and B. wait their fucking turn.

1. The Downtown Interchange
Whoever planned this should be taken away and shot with a bb gun until they bleed to death. There are no words to describe this mess that causes on average 3 accidents a day. This one half a mile stretch of road keeps me from driving downtown. If you wanted people to take the subway you couldn’t have found a better way of making it a viable option.


  1. I drive through two of these daily... and they BLOW!

    I second this list.

  2. nice visuals.

    honorable mention: the 101/405 interchange.

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