Thursday, March 25, 2010

Why I love CrossFit

I joined CrossFit three months ago and since joining I haven’t been able to shut up about it. People tell me it sounds like I joined a cult, and in a way it is sort of like that. CrossFit isn’t just a workout it quickly becomes a way of life and its members become somewhat like family. Its members are bound together by pain and held there by their own determination. So what makes CrossFit so special? Isn’t this just another workout?

First off for those who don’t already know CrossFit is a strength and conditioning fitness methodology that promotes broad and general overall physical fitness. CrossFit combines weightlifting, sprinting, and gymnastics. CrossFit says that proficiency is required in each of ten fitness domains: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and accuracy. It defines fitness as increased work capacity across all these domains and says its program achieves this by provoking neurologic and hormonal adaptations across all metabolic pathways. CrossFit athletes run, row, skip, climb rope and carry odd objects. They frequently move large loads long distances quickly, using powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting techniques. CrossFit athletes also use dumbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, and many body weight exercises.

For me I’ve noticed two specific factors that make CrossFit stand out amongst all other works/gyms. Community and realistic attainable goals that provide visual results.

Stepping stones: CrossFit is a different work out every day. One day you may be doing pull-ups and burpees the next dead lifts and a mile sprint. Regardless of what the workout is it is a full body experience every time. Many athletes will tell you after a WOD (workout of the day) Laying on the floor is its own reward. Many of the workouts we do have a name. For example CHEALSEA is 5 pull-ups 10 pushups and 15 squats every minute on the minute for 30 minutes for a total of 150 pull-ups, 300 pushups, and 450 squats. I personally couldn’t get a perfect score on my first try, but I most likely will not be doing this specific workout again for a few months. I kept a record of how I did and then the next time we do this workout I will hopefully do better. Each day I tend to do some work out or at least a portion of a work out that I had previously done and then surpassed my previous score/weight/time. This provides a sense of satisfaction and proof that your hard work is paying off in real visible ways. Each week I see improvement. More pull-ups in a row, more reps in a workout, a faster time. Each week I seem to get a new PR “personal record” for something, and each PR is proof that the program is working. Constant results are an incredible motivator, and provide a sense of self satisfaction and pride that most people don’t get on a day to day basis. Either from their jobs and or relationships. This is all then reinforced by what I think is the more important aspect of CrossFit.

Community: When someone gets a new PR everyone congratulates them. If one person finishes a workout ahead of a teammate or even if a teammate is struggling the other members cheer them on pushing them to the limits of their potential. When the workout is done everyone compares their scores and times to see how they stacked up. CrossFit is group fitness at its best. Each member becomes somewhat accountable to the next, and as one gets stronger so does the entire community. Each person’s success motivates the next to push harder. We are both competing against each other and at the same time supporting each other. Everyone is a teacher and everyone is a student. Ideas are not held as secrets but shared openly with the community, and in doing so provide a place to commiserate in each other’s pain and celebrate each other’s victories. The members of this gym don’t just work out together they are friends, they are family. They are bound by their mutual determination to be healthy, fit, and strong. CrossFit accommodates men and women of all ages and abilities and excludes only those who are unwilling try and better themselves. And it should be noted that CrossFits boarders are not limited to your individual gym. The community is alive on the internet, and you can go to any CrossFit gym across the country and seamlessly fit into the culture.

CrossFit a perfect storm of fitness, and has turned the drudgery of working out into something I look forward to on a daily basis. Since joining CrossFit I have quickly gotten into the best shape of my entire life. The price may seem to great when compared to your normal gym, but then again CrossFit is more than just a workout and well worth the price of admission.

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